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Bandicoots are marsupial scavengers ranging in size from a large rat to a small dog. The bandicoots of the Southwest are far more daring and aggressive that their pre-war kin, and can be highly dangerous.

While an individual bandicoot is not much of a threat (apart from in the Radlands, where they grow to the size of large dogs), they tend to scavenge in packs of up to twenty members, well capable of overbearing and savaging a solitary traveler. Whereas pre-war bandicoots would flee on being disturbed while scavenging, post-war bandicoots will savagely attack, biting and scratching viciously. Two or three people are killed each year by bandicoot attacks.

Any uncovered food is likely to attract bandicoots, and travelers are advised to keep their campsites clean and dispose of food scraps carefully.

Death by bandicoot attack is generally considered the most embarrassing death possible.

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