Nathaniel Frost

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Reverend Nathaniel "Brimstone" Frost is a well known traveling preacher and adherent of Bellism - a form of Christianity that regards the Great War as a divine punishment on humanity.


While the details of the Reverend's early life are obscure he claims to have been born in Chowerup Mill around 2035 as Nathan Frost. He lived a life of "sinfulness" until the age of 33, when he "experienced the spirit" on the road to Rocky Gully. In the aftermath of this event he changed his given name to "Nathaniel" and began "spreading the word" to the people of the Southwest, a task he has continued ever since.

Beliefs and Activities

Frost is the best known representative of Bellism, the belief that the Great War was inflected by God on humanity as punishment for sinfulness and immorality (in the same manner as the legendary Noah's flood).

He strongly feels that his own personal revelation is the only true religion, and the "true will of God". This has brought him into conflict with other faiths.

A gifted orator...


Frost is a highly controversial figure. Uncompromising in his belief that his particular brand of Christianity is the only true faith, he does not hold back from criticising adherents of other religions whom he accuses of "corrupting" the populace and being "servants of the Devil". He has been arrested for inciting religious hatred on several occasions, the most recent in Windy Harbour in 2090. His followers have been involved vandalising numerous places of worship, and although he has not been directly implicated he has refused to condemn their actions.

As a result he is regarded as persona non grata in many larger towns, and mostly limits his preaching to the Independent Settlements. Even here however he is not welcome in all settlements, and is the only person ever banned from the village limits of Breicha Galit.

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