The Middleton Principles

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The Middleton Principles are the set of rules written in 2029 by Captain Davis to govern the Middleton Militia. They remain the guiding principles of the State of Porongurup to this day.

(under development)


  1. Any person may sign these Principles, regardless of race, religion, gender, background, or any other factor. No one may be denied the right to sign.
  2. Any person who signs these Principles is bound to them and has the rights, privileges, duties and responsibilities outlined below.
  3. Any signee of these Principles may renounce them, but forfeits all rights and protections outlined below and must leave Militia controlled territory immediately and may not return without penalty.
  4. All signees of these Principles are equal. No signee may claim, be granted, or be subjected to more, or less rights, privileges, duties or responsibilities than any other signee.
  5. Governance of the Militia is to be by a Congress of seven signees, elected by all signees in a secret ballot held on the first day of every third month, commencing this July 2029.
  6. A Speaker shall be elected to chair the Congress from the Members of the Congress, by an open ballot held on the first day of every third month, commencing August 2029.
  7. The power of the Congress may not extend further than the protection and wellbeing of all signees, protection of the Militia, and the defence of Militia territory, in that order.
  8. Theft, murder, rape, slavery, assault and extortion are outlawed. No signee may commit these crimes without severe penalty.
  9. No signee may be accused of a crime without a witness.
  10. No signee shall be convicted of or punished for a crime without a public trial by no less than five fellow signees.
  11. Attempting to unduly influence the outcome of a trial is outlawed. No signee may commit this act without severe penalty.
  12. Appropriate punishment for a signee convicted of a crime shall be decided by a randomly selected jury of no less than five fellow signees.
  13. The ultimate penalty - death - shall be reserved for those convicted of murder, rape or slavery.
  14. All medicines, fresh water, ammunition, explosives and meat shall be surrendered to the Congress for equal and fair distribution to all signees that require them.
  15. All able bodied signees between the ages of sixteen and fifty must dedicate 24 hours a week to the service of the Militia, in whatever capacity is judged most suitable.
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