Blackwood River

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The Blackwood River is the largest river of the Southwest, flowing for around 300 kilometres from the eastern Settlements to the Southern Ocean

Although the river technically begins around 10 kilometres north of Kulikup, it is usually dry as far as Boyup Brook. From here it gains water from several tributaries and is a sizable stream by Bridgetown. It continues west through Nannup, and into the Warlord Realms, where it follows a deeply incised and meandering path through Sue's Bridge, Chapman Pool and Alexandra Bridge. It enters the sea via the Harvey Inlet at Augusta.

The lower reaches of the Blackwood are badly affected by salt, and the Harvey Inlet is nearly completely contaminated by the Molloy Island Chemical Weapons Station. Water upstream of Blackwood Bank is generally potable - although brackish - except in particularly dry summers.

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