Porongurup Rangers

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Name: Porongurup Rangers
Affiliation: Porongurup
Founded: 2029
Headquarters: Princess Royal Fortress, Albany
Commander: Commander Anthony James Cannington
2nd in Command: General Lane Jacqueline Sue
Strength: 1150
Reserves: All able bodied citizens between 16 and 50
Insignia: The Phoenix
Motto: From the Ashes
Flag: Phoenix Insignia in red on a blue field

Cap Badge

The Porongurup Rangers are the defence force of the State of Porongurup.

(This article is in progress)

Ranks and Insignia

The ranks and insignia of the Porongurup Rangers are based on its parent force, the pre-war Australian Army. The much smaller size of the force has led to a somewhat collapsed and simplified command structure.

Rank is indicated with cloth patches on the upper sleeve for enlisted personnel, and badges on the shoulder epaulettes for officers. When wearing camouflage, rank is indicated with a cloth patch worn on the chest.

Other uniform insignia consist of

  • A silvered cap badge of the Rangers insignia (the "Phoenix"), worn on the front of the standard issue slouch hat.
  • A silvered belt buckle bearing the Rangers insignia.
  • A embroidered cloth patch reading "Porongurup Rangers" on each shoulder.
  • Two collar badges indicating the wearer's current duty or posting.

Rank Insignia Notes
A red armband with black edging, bearing the initials "P.R.M" and worn on the right arm
The Militia are the Rangers' reserve forces, and are made up of ordinary citizens. They generally train twice a year, and are called up to bolster the ranks in emergency situations. They do not wear official uniforms, but are designated instead with armbands that can be worn over ordinary clothing.
Militia Commander
A yellow armband with black edging, bearing the initials "P.R.M" and worn on the right arm
Militia Commanders are members of the militia recognised for their skills and leadership qualities. They command and co-ordinate between 10 and 20 ordinary militia under the supervision of enlisted personnel. For administrative purposed they are considered to have the rank of a Private.
Cadet None Cadets are Rangers' personnel in training. They wear Rangers' uniform, but without any rank insignia. For command purposes they are considered to have the rank of a Private, however must obey the orders of Privates when instructed to do so by superior personnel, or in emergency situations.
A single straight bar worn on both sleeves.
The lowest enlisted rank. The triangular backing has lead to the insignia being referred to (informally) as the "jock mark" or "panty mark".
Two chevrons worn on both sleeves.
The collapsing of the more elaborate Australian Army ranks system to suit a smaller force resulted in no rank bearing a single chevron.
Three chevrons worn on both sleeves.
First Sergeant
Three chevrons topped with a crown worn on both sleeves.
The highest enlisted rank. Promotion to First Sergeant is seen by many as a career dead end, a way of saying that the Sergeant is excellent at what they do, but is not officer material. First Sergeants are very rarely promoted to the officer ranks, and it is not unknown for newly promoted First Sergeants to resign their post soon afterwards.
Officer Trainee
A single star (pip) worn on the shoulder.
Enlisted personnel undergoing officer training receive this rank prior to becoming Lieutenants on satisfactory completion of the course. For administrative and command purposes they are considered to hold the rank of Corporal, and hence are subject to commands from Sergeants and First Sergeants.
Two stars (pips) worn vertically on the shoulder.
The lowest officer rank.
Three stars (pips) worn in an upwards pointing arrow formation on the shoulder.
Three stars (pips) worn in an upwards pointing arrow formation on the shoulder, topped with a crown.
A crossed baton and sword topped with a star (pip) worn on the shoulder.
In the collapsed command structure of the Rangers, Colonel is the highest rank most officers can hope to attain. A Colonel will generally have command of an entire town or area - further promotion is reserved for those who prove themselves worthy of joining the High Command.
A crossed baton and sword topped with a crown and worn on the shoulder.
Officers of General rank are jointly responsible for the operations and command of the entire force. Along with the Commander they form the High Command which directs the actions of the Porongurup Rangers. There are usually only five or six Generals in service at any time.
Crossed batons in a wreath, topped with a crown and worn on the shoulder.
The Commander is the head of the Porongurup Rangers. He/She is the head of the High Command and is the ultimate decision maker for the force. The Commander fulfills both an administrative and ceremonial function, and has a permanent seat in the State Congress

Duty Badges

Standard Porongurup Rangers summer uniform. The rank and insignia are of a Sergeant in the Engineering Corps
Standard Porongurup Rangers summer uniform. The rank and insignia are of a Sergeant in the Engineering Corps

Duty badges are worn on the collar to indicate the soldier's current area of duty or responsibility. They are generally silver, although personnel of Colonel rank may optionally elect to wear gold badges instead. Soldiers without a specific posting wear no collar badges.

Duty Collar Badge Notes
A six pointed star.
A cannon.
The Porongurup Rangers Artillery School is located in Bluff Creek.
A lyre.
The Porongurup Rangers Army Band is a volunteer organisation, based in Albany and manned part-time by personnel with musical skills. The duty badges are only worn when performing.
A soup tureen on circular backing.
While there are permanent cooks at all major Rangers facilities being assigned to kitchen duty (known as 'KP') is a common punishment for minor infringements. Personnel assigned to KP in this way do not wear duty badges.
An appropriate religious symbol.
Chaplains are permitted to select their duty badges from a standard selection representing most major faiths. If no appropriate badge is available, they may request a new set to be produced.
A globe.
Worn by members of the High Command and garrison Commanding Officers.
A five pointed star.
Mostly worn by instructors at the Rangers Academy.
Engineering and Cartography
A cogwheel.
A three tired pyramid.
The three tiers are said to represent information, analysis and action.
A set of scales on a triangular backing.
Includes the Military Police who additionally wear black armbands bearing the letters 'MP' in white.
A medical cross
Doctors wear gold crosses. Nurses and medical assistants wear silver crosses.
An anchor
Worn by personnel serving on the PRS Resurgam or the D Ships who do not qualify for another duty badge. The captain of a vessel is entitled to wear a gold badge set, irrespective of rank.
A swan
Personnel working as civilian police wear a larger version of the swan insignia (with a wreath) as a cap badge rather than the "Phoenix" symbol.
A lightning bolt.
The Mount Clarance Radar Station is manned by Signals personnel.
A cart wheel.

Command Structure

In order of seniority.

Position Incumbent
Commander of the Porongurup Rangers
Commander Anthony James Cannington.

High Command
General Lane Jacqueline Sue.

High Command
General Jaydon Stephen Whitegum.

High Command
General Mangal Himmat Singh.

High Command
General Morgan John Kennedy.

High Command
General Orson Holden Vines.

High Command
General Rachel Jane Hiromi.

Intelligence Head
Colonel Michael Southlake.

Naval Commander
Colonel Shawn Michelle Deville.

Commander Porongurup Rangers Artillery School
Colonel Carlos Hamer Jeffries.

Head of Engineering
Colonel Carolyn Mosman Leakie.

Commander Albany Garrison
Colonel Connor Jakob Rogers.

Commander Mount Barker Garrison
Colonel Du Van Nguyen.

Chief of Military Police
Colonel Arthur Allison.

Commander Porongurup Rangers Academy
Colonel Pamela Claire Rickard.

Commander Mount Clarance Radar Station
Colonel Jason Richard Sue.

Chief Medial Officer
Colonel-Doctor Adam Peter Lenard.

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